Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Things that go BOOM

So its been awhile.  Well its been real busy.  What can I say.  The last two weeks we have been doing guest prep and entertaining guests.  Here are a few highlights of what has gone over the last two weeks.  I have been working on a 5 year history book for the ranch including photos of construction that has been done here on the ranch such as additions to the lodge and main buildings, also the construction of several new building around the ranch including my cabin!  The book is also filled with guests visits, old staff members and of course tons of family photos.  Not too complicated you would think but this thing is massive - 240 pages of Jason hunting through 100,000 photos.  I'm an optimist and this is no big deal its my job its what I'm paid for.  Well I was about 10 pages away from completing the book so i saved it and thought i would start on the final ten in the morning fresh and with new perspective.  Boy was that a mistake!  I reopen my book this morning to find out the file had some how become corrupted over night and Indesign will not open it any more.  Back to square one, OH SHIT!  Well its not nearly as bad as I thought I was able to bang out almost 200 pages today and will finish in the morning and don't worry I saved two copies this time.

On other fun topics this week we had some cool guests visiting who like to not sit around and drink all day they actually did stuff. Yay!  So lets see - I played paintball this week and shot a whole bunch of people - it was a lot of fun.  We also went to shoot skeet a few times this week.  I went 20 for 20 one round! Go me!  Also I went on 1 of the 5 most deadly horse trails rides in America this week with the guests.  It was awesome - it compares closely to Grand canyon with all the switch backs and sheer drop offs.  The ride was great and we ended our ride with a spectacular 3 tiered waterfall.  Sorry I could only photograph one tier.  This is also the place that is world renown  for its ice climbing.  Anyways it was cool.

Also this week I am now officially a co-owner of a Handgun ....  Thanks Tom!

1 comment:

  1. Well this "cool" guest definitely had a great time on the ranch and going on the trail ride and playing paintball. Wish we were still there. The photos came Out great of the ride. Also thanks for the pointers for better sky shots. Worked out well for my shots in yellowstone this week. I'll definitely keep up with your blog and photo adventures.

