Photo from the Deer Creek Meadow down onto the Southfork |
Well after 5 months of intense vacationing and traveling, Erin and I have returned to the Ranch. We packed all of our stuff into two cars and caravanned from sunny California to snowy Wyoming. It was a great trip we were like Snowman and the Bandit from Smokey and the Bandit, however I feel like we had better handles "Gator and Sweet-Pants". We were talking on our walkie's the whole trip up, blocking traffic for each other, on the lookout for the Fuzz, and making great time its fun to be part of a convoy.

Back in Cody trying to get used to the slower pace of life. Its great, no one is in a rush everyone expects your whole life story in the grocery check out lane, that one is a little tough on the ice cream and other frozen goods. But all in all life is good. We feel like we are finally home, in our little cabin, a place that we can call our own. We are both trying to get our bodies back into ranch shape. With an elevation of about 6500 and walking all over the place all day you can expect to hit 3-5 miles on the pedometer.
Washakie Wilderness sign |
I am also trying to get myself ready for the pack trip in August. Last year I had to hike it out with my horse in tow for about the last 15 miles this year I'm preparing for the worse. I am hiking up the Deer Creek trail 3-4 times a week to get the legs ready. The trail is pretty intense about 3 miles of switch back and a total elevation gain of about 2500 feet. I am only doing about half of the trail to start and then going to work up to the 3 mile part in a week or two. Right now my lungs burn from the cold and elevation.
Wolf print on the trail :-() |
Here is to a good season and more photos from DEER CREEK.